My second favorite manga EVER! I loved this one to death! I mean, it was too cute! And I can't wait for the movie(Wonderful Wonder World. YouTube it for a trailer, but it's in Japanese still)! I loved all of the characters in it(except Blood Dupre. :P I hated him). So, I decided I'd give you a review on each of the characters. Interested? Let's start with the plot first!
Plot:[From Wikipedia(I know it's no the best place, but I decided to use it instead of MangaReader or MangaFox)]
Alice Liddell is an insecure girl who is jealous of her sister's beauty and grace. During one of their outings, Alice's sister goes to get a deck of cards for a game while Alice falls asleep. When a white rabbit comes and encourages her to chase him, Alice assumes she is dreaming and tries to go back to napping until the rabbit turns into a man with white rabbit ears and carries her off. Peter White (the white rabbit) throws Alice into a hole that appears in her yard and jumps in after her. When they land in a strange, open area, Peter starts confessing his undying love for her. He tells her to drink some 'medicine' but when she refuses, he simply pours the liquid into his mouth and then kisses her, forcing her to drink it. It is later revealed that this liquid is some kind of way to prevent her from going home. Alice learns that she is in Wonderland and the only way she might be able to return to her world is to interact and spend time with the strange people in Wonderland, which slowly refills the medicine vial. However, Wonderland is going through violent times - everyone is reckless and uncaring as to who lives or dies, and with a civil war going on everyone in the strange world finds it hard to trust each other with an instinct to kill.
Now, the manga istelf was fantastic! Sure, some parts confused me, but that wasn't a very common occurance. In fact, most of the time I followed along with ease. And I constantly screamed at Alice to choose anyone but Blood Dupre. Let's just face it, I can't stand the guy.
Anyway, to be basic, I loved how everyone in the place loved Alice, and they did a great job in the drawing. Some manga isn't drawn very well in my opinion, which annoys me. But this one was drawn rather well in my opinion and I couldn't help but love it. I had my favorite characters, my least favorite character(yes, singular), and characters that I was okay with. How about I tell you my opinion on each?
Alice Liddell is the classic main character who is a lot like the original alice, only older and more realistic in response to things. She is an okay character who is constantly angered at how easily Wonderlanders throw away their lives. They seems to shoot one another as sports, if nothing else. And this angers her more than ever. She is annoyed by Blood Dupre(who can blame her) and ends up constantly comparing her to a guy in her past, which annoys him. I rather like Alice, though I don't like her final decision.
Peter White is the White Rabbit of the story. He starts off as a cute rabbit, trying to get Alice to follow him. When she doesn't, he transforms into the human(with rabbit ears) as portrayed in the picture I chose. He is rather funny with how he uses his rabbit-self to get Alice to hug him(and let him sleep in her bed). He's a hilarious character to have along and is a lot of fun to watch go crazy over Alice. In fact, I can't see why Alice didn't choose this adorable obsessor!
Blood Dupre. Um...is there anything positive I can say about him? How about I start with negative. I don't like how annoying he is, to begin with. He's always going on about how he doesn't care for Alice and ends up being the one to fetch her back! He's the first version of the Mad Hatter in an Alice in Wonderland Remake(yeah, I'm big on them. But this was the first manga of it I checked out) that I didn't like. Quite frankly, he's to much for me to care for.
Positive-wise...I guess his hate is cool. And so is his mansion.
Elliot March is a great person for the place of the March Hare. Of course, if you call him a rabbit, he'll get rather annoyed at you. According to the wikipedia, he claims to be a dog and hate carrots(though he loves carrot dishes). I don't remember him ever claiming the position of a dog. However, I constantly remember his hate of carrots and love of carrot dishes. I love watching Elliot and thought it funny when Alice first met him how he appeared to save her from the Twins' wish to kill her, only to point a gun at her.
Anyway, not much I can say about him that's bad. Actually, there isn't anything bad I can say at all. :( Sorry, I'll tell you if I come up with anything!
Tweedle Dee and Dum. Wanna guess who they portray? :P I enjoyed these characters a lot, actually. I thought they were fun characters to have around. It's hard to dislike these two. If anything, I don't like how they're ignorant of the fact that Alice will have a replacement. But I do love watching them goof off and constantly refer to her as "Onee-chan."
Vivaldi is the Red Queen of the story and the only female that has a major role besides Alice. Her and Blood are siblings, though Alice makes the mistake of thinking them lovers. And I personally love how she acts cold towards some people but secretely loves in cute things. The only thing I don't love about Vivaldi is her talking about herself in plural. Or at least, that's what I believe her to be doing. I mean, talking about herself is the only logical thing.

Ace's role is an original one, though some may guess him to be the Knave of Hearts. Don't ask me what that is. I just say what I hear.
Anyway, Ace is higher up on my favorites list than the twins or Elliot, but no way is he higher than Boris Airay or Peter White. He acts like a complete idiot who can't find his way for the life of him. In fact, Alice makes the grave mistake of allowing him to lead her somewhere. Poor girl was stuck in the forest with him overnight.
The only thing I don't like about Ace is how badly he injured Boris. That's it. Nothing more. I can't help it if I'm a Boris fan. :P
Julius Monrey is not my favorite character. He's in a middle rank. The guy will go days without eating and overwork himself. Poor Alice has to make sure he eats. He seems like he doesn't care for Alice, but he does. I'm sure of it. ^.^ Anyway, one of the main reasons I like him is because he doesn't like Blood. He has a good judge of character in my eyes.
He is the mortician of Wonderland. He controlls time and repairs broken clocks so that people can be recreated. It's a hard job for him and he allows Alice to help him around the house while he works. There's not much to be said on him, really. You might as well move on to the next review: Poor Mary Gowland.
Mary Gowland is a possible parody of the Duchess. Why a parody? Look at him! He's a guy who can't play the violin for the life of him! And his name! If you look at it, it's like Merry Go Round since the Japanese don't really have L's, they use R. They made that comparison in the manga, I believe. And he absolutely hates being called Mary. Sadly, he has Boris living with him in the theme park. :P
Mary is fun to watch, especially when he tries to name rides in the park. He has no skill whatsoever. Also, his constant attempt to play the violin is hilarious. He tries to and thinks he has talent, but he has none.
On the negative, he yells at Boris when he gets blood on his floors. I mean, a little cold, right?
Now, I've saved the best for last!!!
Isn't he cute in this pic? |
Boris Airay is one of my favorite characters. No, he is my favorite. He's hilarious and loves chasing around Piercie. He's the pink-style Cheshire Cat who sneaks into the castle for fun, not caring for his life. After Alice scolds him for this, he takes more care in not killing everyone. It made me love him SO much! I mean, when Ace was saying he wanted to kill Alice, he refused to kill Ace, rather he just shot at his feet so he wouldn't be able to move. And his short attention span is just so cute! I mean, he asked Alice to tell him about her orld, and before she could finish, he made her hold his gun since she said she had never held one. And then when she asked about him hearing her world, he simply blamed his being a cat. It was SO funny! The manga would not be the same without Boris! I mean, take him away and you might as well take away Peter or Blood(Bluck) or Alice.
Well, that's it. I hope you enjoyed the review!
-Want to have a manga reviewed? Post a commont on one of my reviews and I'll check it out!
XD love this review
ReplyDeleteI totally agree about Blood, he's just an ass (I dunno why Alice would choose this guy =A=)
you might disapprove my choice but, I'm a Ace fan e3e -
he's a cool character, I think he's just a bit depressed and spaced out cause he has to do his role thing, but he's cool since he similes it all off, even if they're kinda fake. Ok, this might sound weird, but he's a bit of a role model for me (not the killing part =w=;). I get depressed a lot these days, and I apparently, if you smile, you get happier or something 8S (read it online "how to be happier"). But I never could think to smile when I'm depressed. But when I re-read this manga a few years later, I was surprised how I could relate to Ace a bit. Yeah... e3e;;;, I'm not surprised if your reading this comment and goin "what a weird ass fan :U". But after reading your review and being straight forwardly awesome, I knew I had to leave a straight forward comment as well XD;;;.
I agree Borris is a awesome character YEAH! ^W^. Mary Gowland is kick ass, Peter white, the twins, Elliot, Julius, Vivaldi, and Alice are all pretty great characters as well :D. You kinda forgot Nightmare, but he's a cool dude anyway, nuff said. And Blood....he's still an ass, I just want to jump into the manga and just do a little.... FALCON PUNCH !!!! at his face, and then run away...so I dun get shot 8D. (srry if I said so much -3-, but, you gotta do a review on skip beat, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Hellsing! and most importantly....majin tantei nougat neuro ...absolute must review =w= ~ <3
I would love to hear your opinion 8D!) I shall be back to read your reviews, wa ha ha ha ha =<= !
I'm actually a fan of Ace as well.
DeleteI started reading Skip Beat, but the images stopped loading on my computer. I'll be sure to get back to trying to watch it.
I don't think I've heard of Kamisama Hajimemashita, so I'll check it out.
I've watched the Hellsing anime, haven't read the manga. I'll be sure to read the manga once I get around to reviewing the anime.