The plot of this fantastic manga[from]
Kuronuma Sawako’s one wish in life is to make friends. That’s a difficult proposition when everyone who meets this high school student cowers in terror! She just wants to be like her classmate Kazehaya-kun, a laid-back, easygoing guy.
MangaReader likes small plots, don’t they?
Kimi Ni Todoke is like Special A in two ways: No blood and gore splattering about and I constantly want to jump in, slap the characters, and scream, "HE LIKES YOU, BAKA!" And at one point, I was screaming "They’re the same!!!"
Anyway, I loved the story and enjoyed how it went. At times, I was confused, but I did have a lot of fun reading it. I am certain that it is not completely posted online from the ending(no kiss between two characters, a confession right before it ends for another two-which is available on chapter 59 page 25 for the impatient who like spoiling things) and if I learn they stopped posting, I'll throw a fit. I want to see certain things happen!!! Like I wanna know why it is that*ends sentence* Never mind, I'll avoid spoilers.
Anyway, I love the way it's drawn, though some parts helped with how confusing it was, and I really love all that happens along the way(though other parts want me to kill poor Sawako for her stupidity in not knowing *ends senence* Ignore that. And sorry if I end sentences early. I tend to reveal spoilers.
Oh, random night, a sign that I loved this anime is that I actually changed my google background from Tifa from FFVII to Chizu and Ayane!!!
Anyway, let's get onto character reviews so I can't spoil anything!!!
Sawako |
The CUTEST moment is one I can't reveal, but you'll know it when you see Sawako's arm stretched out to the side, reaching for Kazehaya. Okay,
Kazeyhaya |
This guy is Hazehaya, a complete idiot. Yet he's TOO awesome and TOO cute when he blushes! I just LOVE IT WHEN HE'S EMBERASSED! Is that a bad thing?
And he goes on about how he's selfish and lists his bad characters, but I think that's what makes him TOO DANG CUTE! And with how Sawako thought he didn't like her the *ends sentence* Let's just say that the school's festival is surely something to look forward to.
Other than that, there happens to be nothing I dislike about him except that he's TOO CUTE TO BE REAL! I mean, come on! Why do anime guys have to be so dang perfect where there's no chance of getting to meet someone like them in real life(or not in my world.)
Anyway, let's move on to one of my favorite characters!
This may look like a confession, but Chizu doesn't see it that way. She thinks it's meant as their friendship, wish is very large(she sees him as a brother. Poor Ryu T.T) |
Ryu! This guy is too perfect! I mean, in my eyes, I like him better than Kazehaya! He's soooo sweet! His hardcore honesty makes him extremely likable! I mean, how he never remembers names is a bit annoying, but it's cute that he doesn't appear to put in an effort. And how he's always sleeping! Yet he's kind and honest and makes me think of a teddy bear! Don't ask why. I have never seen a teddy bear person, but this is how I want one to be!
![]() |
A very emotional Chizu... |
Chizuru Yoshida, better known as Chizu. This emotionally dense idiot is SO much fun to have in the anime. I really love her and how thoughtless she can be. She accidentally said that Kazehaya knows the least about Sawako to his face without thinking it would affect the relationship between him and Sawako. It REALLY complicated things. But, it's okay. Her strength and silliness is something I love. One thing I don't love is how DENSE and COLD she is. Okay, she's NOT cold, but I think it's cold with how she turned down poor Ryu. *huggles Ryu saying "I'll love you, Ryu!"*
Ayane |
What can I say against Ayane? (I want to get that out of the way since I may have problems remembering later one) Well, to begin, she dates too much. She should really choose a guy that will have a chance of liking her. Get a crush! Something!
Other than that, I like how she's sweet and talks to Sawako(like Chizu) and is good at helping the situation between Sawako and Kazehaya(I feel as if I've already revealed too much about those two...) She's someone nice to have as a friends, and I love how her and Sawako were upset about not being able to help Chizu after her fight with Ryu(Poor Ryu...)
Pin |
Kazuichi Arai, better known as Pin. Heck, I can't even call him Arai-sensei. At one point when they said Arai I thought they were talking about their old teacher
Anyway, I dislike Pin most of the time. He's loud, obnoxious, unable to act like an adult, and knows how to cause trouble. In fact, he told poor clueless Sawako that to thank Kazehaya she just had to stand still for five seconds with her eyes close while facing Kazehaya(it was REALLY close, though! Inches away from happening!)
Now, he also has his moments where he is okay. I can't really think of any, but I'm sure he's had at least one(maybe only one. :P) He actually ushered Kazehaya to confess to Sawako.
Kurumi is on the right |
Ume Kurumizawa, better known as Kurumi. This girl is O.K. She's the one that got Sawako to make sure she clarified her confession and make sure she actually got rejected(and some of us may know very well how that ended. :P). Kurumi herself confessed to Kazehaya, but she received a rejection(and I know it's rude, but I was cheering at that moment).
Against her, she keeps up a fake personality(which is a SWEET and CUTE one) around most people. The only person she really shows her true self to Sawako, which is the total opposite of her original one.
You can probably figure out which one Miura is... |
Do I HAVE to do him? DO I? Fine, I will...
Let's start with this: What can I say POSITIVE about this meddling idiot??? HE ALMOST ENDED ANY CHANCE THAT KAZEHAYA AND SAWAKO HAD! IN FACT, HE TRIED TO MAKE HER GIVE UP ANY HOPES! I honestly can't think of anything positive to say about him! Miura is a complete idiot with no brains. Sure, he tries to help Sawako smile more and say "Good Morning" with ease, but he's STILL AN IDIOT!!! MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, MIURA!!!
Oh, just thought of something. He hugged Ayane when she was depressed. There, I came up with something positive. (I almost hate this dude as much as Kaname. Almost)
Well, obviously I've had a lot to say. I hope you enjoy these pictures that I felt like throwing in:

Something tells me that this was inspired by the chapter taking place on New Years(as Sawako said she was happy about seeing a first time of Kazehaya's) |
Look at Kazehaya getting all emberassed! :P |
You can tell that it bent where Kazehaya's arm is... |
Just in case anyone is curious, Kimi Ni Todoke has a live-action movie. If you want to see my review, go to